URGENT MESSAGE: ACT NOW – Maintain Access to CRNA Services

Dear DCANA members,

There is an effort underway by the DC Society of Anesthesiologists (DCSA) to adversely affect the ability of CRNAs to continue to practice independently (without physician supervision) in DC.

  • In October 2023, a bill (Bill 25-245) was introduced to revise the law (Health Occupations
    Revision Act or HORA) that regulates CRNA practice in DC.
  • Currently, CRNAs (like other Advanced Practice Registered Nurses or APRNs) do NOT require
    physician supervision. This has been the law since 1995 (30 years ago)!
  • The current law (HORA) requires that all APRNs “carry out acts of advanced practice nursing in
    collaboration with a licensed health care provider.”
  • The revision would remove the “collaboration” requirement for all APRNs.
  • The DC Society of Anesthesiologists (DCSA) strongly opposes the removal of collaboration
  • The DCSA has launched an aggressive and deceptive campaign inclusive of letter writing and a
    misleading public survey to influence DC Council members.
  • The DCSA is also attempting to turn back time by adding a physician supervision and
    collaboration requirement.

We Must Act Now!

  • The DC Association of Nurse Anesthetist (DCANA) is asking for your help by sending a letter to
    your DC Council member voicing your support for the removal of the unnecessary collaboration
    requirement in the existing law.
  • This letter (CLICK HERE FOR LETTER TEMPLATE) needs to be submitted prior to March 21, 2024. On this date, the Council will be considering changes to this legislation.

We must stand to together to maintain our ability to provide safe, effective anesthesia care for residents
of the District, especially in underserved areas of the city. Do NOT let the DCSA mislead the Council and
the public about your practice. Act Now!

If you need additional help or information, please send an email to Info@dc-crna.org or contact Alicia Prince at
alicia.prince@georgetownpa.com or (202) 888-8240. Or, you can also refer to our CRNA FAQs for more information.

DCANA Board of Directors
Douglas Heater, CRNA President