Member Input Requested Regarding the Annual AANA Business Meeting

The AANA Annual Business Meeting is currently held during the Annual Congress – usually on a Saturday, lasting 3-4 hours and is attended by 300-400 members. During the meeting, membership has the opportunity to debate on the proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions. After the meeting, voting on proposed amendments and resolutions occurs virtually.
AANA would like your opinion on the possibility of moving the current bylaw amendment/resolution discussion portion of the in-person business meeting to a solely virtual, interactive meeting. It would be held prior to the Annual Congress to allow for maximum member participation. This would allow AANA to expand the number of educational and networking opportunities during the Annual Congress for members. This concept would not occur until 2025 or beyond.
A virtual Business Meeting would be open to all voting members for debate of the proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions. Non-voting members would be able to view the meeting. The process for FINAL VOTING on proposed bylaw amendments and resolutions will not change. It will still occur virtually for all voting members following the Business Meeting.