Did You Complete Your CPC 2-Year Check-In?

If you recertified or initially certified in 2017 on or before July 31, you are likely due to complete your two-year check-in—the next step in the CPC Program—by July 31 this year. It takes just a few minutes and can be completed from your phone, tablet or computer. The two-year check-in is important in part because NBCRNA’s accreditors require NBCRNA to evidence how we are assured that a certificant still qualifies to hold the credential between renewal cycles.

While the two-year check-in is an easy and valid way to demonstrate that this requirement is being met, it is also important as it allows for the confirmation of active practice and licensure, and provides CRNAs with an opportunity to maintain and update essential information such as contact information, so you can be contacted with important information and deadline alerts regarding your credential.

Not sure of your deadline? See the chart on the NBCRNA website. Not sure when you recertified? Click “verify credential” in the top right corner of the NBCRNA website. Complete the simple, online two-year check-in today: https://portal.nbcrna.com.